Pushin’ it
I stayed in the Born or La Ribera from March to April 2018. I love the neighborhood, it has such a unique feel to it, from the old buildings to the few leftover locals in between all the expats and tourists. It is so cute and nice with all the little shops in the narrow streets. Except for the ongoing renovations everything is old, making it a very authentic place, at least in terms of backdrops. Of course, due to the recent (last 15 years) development towards (extreme) mass tourism, the place feels a bit like an amusement park for grown ups, like Disneyland, or well, Barcelonaland, how I call it. Not a piece of trash anywhere (except in designated pick-up locations), streets are cleaned three times a day, it might be possible to eat from the ground, which is pretty crazy considering the amount of people marching through the place on a daily and nightly basis. I would take my camera out on my morning coffee walks and try to get some sneaky shots of the people frequenting the neighborhood, essentially working on the “around the Born” post. Later looking through and sorting the photos I noticed lots of people pushing things, so I decided to dedicate this topic its own post.
Not everybody in here might be pushing stuff directly, I made pulling count as well, or the guy carrying the skateboard for example, he is definitely pushing some wood.