
I have played with cameras for the last 15 years, started out as a videographer and ended up working for clients like Mercedes Benz and The North face among others like Ucon, Powerslide, Blonde Magazine. In the end I decided video production to be too complex. The “one-man-show” only takes you that far, bigger productions always require a split effort, having different people do the camera, editing, sound, graphics and other works.

Creating visual content is one of my favourite pastimes and I thought photography compared to video-production would be a lot less time consuming. It might be, but I still struggle to find time to work on all the photos I've shot. I do trust the process and hope it will all be worth it in the end. Sometimes there is time to shoot and sometimes there is time to edit. As of now photography is a pure passion project, but for the goal I aim quite high, I will become a National Geographic photographer. If you don’t dream there isn’t even a chance to make it.

I don’t like to shoot set up stuff, but I try to make real world situations look like they’ve been set up. I mainly shoot out in the streets anywhere, sports and landscapes and like to get more into shooting people. One of my favourite thing is to go on long photo walks, ideally at sunrise or golden hour, explore new places no matter if urban or natural.

During my childhood my grandfather and I went out on a lot of long walks through the woods surrounding our suburb. I loved to collect pine-cones until the little bag around my shoulder couldn't fit any more. Once full, I'd just dump them all and start collecting again. Not a lot has changed 30 years later, I still enjoy long walks and putting lots of effort into finding the most beautiful pine-cones just to dump them onto my hard drive and repeat.

It is not necessarily about the photos themselves, but when I take a look at them I think to myself, wow you've been there and were able to wander around this place or be in this situation with those people.