Santorini is still awesome. I only spend 4 days on the island, but I took so many images I like, definitly worth the second post.
Just to add a bit more text, so it looks like I actually tried, here are a few of my favourite things about Santorini:
- The ferry ride to the island is an experience in itself (if you’re not used to boats)
- Oja, the city on the north end of the island seems like a dream
- Climbing every terrace on the island, going up, down and around, relax on a random pool and feel like a millionaire (A bit cold though)
- Trying to get the iconic shots, and actually getting great shots (way better than in summer)
- The hike from Fira to Oja, definitely my number one
- Off season
- The shop in Fira, which was the only one open till late and probably had more out of date products than enjoyable ones
- The dogs on duty, following you around for quite a few kilometers just for a little snack
- All the weathers, sunny, stormy, rainy, windy, cloudy, cold, warm

Sunrise over the back of the island, November 2017, Santorini, Greece
I am so happy I got up that morning, aiming to walk towards the sunrise-backside of the island rather than the rocky cliffs out front. This was definitely a morning for the books, people were questioning my activity though. “Why do you photograph my house like 20 times?” “ääähmm, becaue it looks nice?” Not fully convinced, but good enough.

All the terraces, November 2017, Santorini, Greece
To get to know the island and its locations, a quick google search is a must. most of the photos were taken in summer and sunset is definitely a highlight of the day, so every single terrace that is empty here is fully packed in summer. There are only 5 people in this photo.